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Monteiro JN, Ovelheiro A, Ventaneira AM, Vieira V, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. 2022.Variability in Carcinus maenas Fecundity Along Lagoons and Estuaries of the Portuguese Coast. Estuaries and Coasts. 45. 1716–1727 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-021-01035-9

Leitão F., Pardo JB, Ovelheiro A, Monteiro JN, Nobre D, Teodósio A.M. (2021). Effect of bait type on the octopus fishery in Algarve, Southern Portugal. Ocean and Coastal. Management. 14. 105587. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105587



Monteiro JN, Roa-Ureta RH, Ovelheiro A, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. 2022. Characterization of the European green crab fisheries in the Portuguese coast: an important small-scale socioeconomic fishery. 4TH WORLD SMALL-SCALE FIHERIES CONGRESS SERIES – EUROPE, MALTA, September.

Monteiro JN, Roa-Ureta RH, Ovelheiro A, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. 2022. Population dynamics, reproductive and growth aspect of the European green crab along estuaries and lagoons of the Portuguese Coast. Submitted: ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022 IRELAND. September.

Monteiro JN, Bueno-Pardo J, Pinto M,Pardal M, Martinho F, Leitão F. 2022. More and smaller crabs: Implications of warming on the morphometric and  reprodutive traits of Carcinus maenas. Vídeo-Poster: XI CBC – THE  CRUSTACEAN SOCIETY SUMMER MEETING 2022 BRAZIL. JUNE 2022
(acceptable for presentation).

Monteiro JN, Ovelheiro A, Ventaneira AM, Viera V, Teodósio MA, Leitão F., 2022. Variability in Carcinus maenas fecundity along lagoons and estuaries of the Portuguese Coast. Oral Presentation: FOURTH ICES PICES EARLY CAREER SCIENTIST CONFERENCE, CANADA. JULY 2022. (acceptable for

Monteiro, J.N., Bueno-Pardo, J., Pardal, M., Martinho, F., Leitão, F. Efeito da temperatura na reprodução e morfometria de Carcinus maenas. 1-4 Dezembro 2021, 20º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, Ponte de Lima.

Monteiro JN, Bueno-Pardo J, Pinto M,Pardal M, Martinho F, Leitão F. 2022. More and smaller crabs: Implications of warming on the morphometric and reprodutive traits of Carcinus maenas. Vídeo- Poster: XI CBC – THE CRUSTACEAN SOCIETY SUMMER MEETING 2022 BRAZIL. JUNE 2022

Monteiro JN, Ovelheiro A, Ventaneira AM, Viera V, Teodósio MA, Leitão F., 2022. Variability in Carcinus maenas fecundity along lagoons and estuaries of the Portuguese Coast. Oral Presentation: FOURTH ICES PICES EARLY CAREER SCIENTIST CONFERENCE, CANADA. JULY 2022.

Monteiro, J.N., Bueno-Pardo, J., Pardal, M., Martinho, F., Leitão F., Efeito da temperatura na reprodução e morfometria de Carcinus maenas. 1-4 Dezembro 2021, 20º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, Ponte de Lima. English: Effect of temperature on reproduction and morphometry of Carcinus maenas

41. Monteiro J.N, Ovelheiro A, Ventaneira AM, Vieira V, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. Variability in Carcinus maenas fecundity along lagoons and estuaries of the
Portuguese Coast. ICYMARE – International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers. 2021 Berlin 21-24 September 2021[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]